So just turned 40. Just celebrated my first wedding anniversary. And we just got full custody of my 11 year old step-son. And now I'm pregnant for the first time. So many 1st but the pregnancy issues outweight them all lol. This is how I make sense of it all. 😄
So what I noticed from the beginning was that I can no longer sleep. I am just becoming 8 months pregnant tomorrow and I have had very little sleep since June.
That was one of my signs of pregnancy actually. I grew completely anxious and stressed, out of nowhere. I had already dealt with my 2 back-to-back car accidents back in April (neither my fault) and was in physical therapy for my back when I couldn't shake the extra stress.
I knew something was wrong or at least off because I'm pretty even keel at all times and absolutely believe in letting anything that bothers me out as it happens lol. It's not healthy to internalize anything right? So I started looking at other possible issues. Pregnancy was always the first thought. I began concluding that I was the whole month of June. I waited until the end of the month to take a pregnancy test and "Ta Da!" it was positive. The rest is history lol.
So now I roam the night like a vampire, restless in my house. Looking for things to do, to distract my brain so I can sleep. Anybody else have this problem? From my apps I hear this is your body adjusting to the upcoming feeding times but I cry BS because I'm told I'm supposed to rest now and all I can think about is that I should be sleeping but now I have to pee lol. That's another fun thing. You pee A LOT. I even stop drinking before going to bed (even thought I am dying of thirst) but I still have to get up to pee. That's one of the many fun not-so-secret secrets of pregnancy lol. That and that you are always hungry but more on that next time.
So we finally decided to make our big announcement. We are expecting! My first! I'm very excited but this is all new for me. I just turned 40 a few months ago. Just celebrated our first wedding anniversary (all in April/May lol) and then bam, new life change. So what can you do? What's next? Well, for one thing my social life has slowed down lol. I am no longer out and about sipping on Dirty Martini's and fine wine's, now I'm registering for baby goodies and working on my upcoming baby shower. Now I'm not saying my social life is over, I still go out, but it's very limited now since I'm enjoying sweats and pizza at home with my family over appetizers and drinks late night haha. Another big change we had in the past couple months has been the addition of my stepson moving in full time. Now this has been the biggest adjustment of them all. It kind of moved all the baby stuff to the last minute since he is our priority right now. However, after months of new rules, structures, schedules and keeping up with homework he is now adjusted to our way of life. I bend over backwards to make sure he has everything he needs and just ask he respect our wishes. I'm so happy to report that we now have a happy little 11 year old in our midst. I love seeing the changes in him and although he has a long way to go in breaking old, bad habits I'm positive he will grow healthy and strong with us. I love our new growing family. So now I'm back to the fact that I am a week away from being 8 months pregnant. Really? It has been a long journey since finding out about him, and yes he is indeed a he, that faithful day in June 2016. My emotions went from shock, to being scared, angry, frustrated to stressed. And now I'm just tired lol. Tired of preparing for for everything now. From our new little man living with us to the new baby boy arriving in a couple months it's been a long year. I'm looking forward to his arrival so I can just breathe. I also want him born so I can enjoy food again. Does anybody find eating and being pregnant are not as enjoyable? I'm always hungry but I get full quickly only to find I'm hungry again but there is almost no point in eating again because the baby is just going to take it all lol. On the positive note, I lost almost 20 pounds and finally started gaining a couple pounds. At first the issue was constipation, yes, it's real and it's not a fun thing, but I was able to work through those tough weeks. Now my constipation is back but it a mild, short term way. Good times lol. So what's next on this new ride? Now it's time to get ready for Christmas! You thought, shopping and wrapping was tough? Try doing it with a belly and your back hurting as you try doing a couple things at a time. One thing is for sure, I'm pushing through the pain. Ain't nobody got time for slowing down right now.